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AiiDA-ICON - Documentation


aiida-icon is a plugin to the AiiDA scientific workflow manager. It allows users of the ICON weather & climate model to run experiment workflows which:

  • remember all the inputs and configurations they were run with
  • do not require careful file-structure setup on the target machine before running
  • can be shared and adapted by colleagues in a group
  • are reproducible


For users who do not want or need to learn how to leverage the full versatility of AiiDA, Sirocco provides a declarative way to describe Climate & Weather workflows. This makes usage similar to other, field-specific workflow managers, without sacrificing the benefits of AiiDA. Many of the steps below will still apply if you want to use Sirocco, except that installing Sirocco will install aiida-icon as a dependency automatically.

Here's how to get started with a minimal setup:


  1. Create and activate a python environment from which you will run your experiments. Conda, Virtualenvwrapper, venv etc are all fine ways to achieve that. In case you expect to be developing workflows and submission scripts, which you would like to be portable between machines, you should consider a version controlled project using a project manager like uv, hatch or poetry.

  2. Run pip install aiida-icon to install aiida-icon, AiiDA and all their dependencies. In the case of a project manager like hatch, use hatch add aiida-icon or your project manager's equivalent.

Setup AiiDA

The following is a summary of the AiiDA Quick Install Guide and the AiiDA How To Run External Codes.

  1. Install and run rabbitmq 3.8.5, either as a system service or as a docker image.

  2. Run verdi presto to create your AiiDA profile

  3. Run verdi computer setup to create a record of the target (HPC) machine you will use. This is not necessary if you are planning to run ICON on your local machine, as verdi presto has already created a record called localhost for your local machine. Here you will give that record a name, later referred to as <computername>.

  4. Allow AiiDA to connect to your target machine.

  5. In general: run verdi computer configure ssh <computername> to allow AiiDA to connect to the target machine.
  6. For CSCS ALPS clusters: the recommended way is to
    1. Run pip install aiida-firecrest
    2. Set up firecrest connectivity to your target cluster using the CSCS Knowledge Base Article
    3. Run verdi computer configure firecrest <computername>
  7. Run verdi computer test <computername> to make sure a connection can be established.

Get Productive

  1. Now you are ready to either run bare-bones ICON jobs (checkout the examples/ directory for inspiration), or to develop AiiDA workflows incorporating ICON jobs.